Quick announcement – and a favor


We are very close to finishing up our long-awaited Relational Skills Trauma Certificate Program training.
We have been working on this for many months but are finally wrapping it up – and we will be releasing it soon.
This course is entirely focused on Healing Relational Trauma and the "Relational Skills" of Trauma Therapy. It will include an eleven-person faculty, three months of course content, thoughtfully constructed experiential exercises, and a vibrant community of students on a learning journey together.
It's going to be a complete training grounded in modern science but inspired by ancient wisdom.
We are going to cover all the skills that people need as they begin to work with relational trauma, and we're going to guide you in how to increase your trauma healing repertoire.
However, we need your help. Before we finalize everything and lock down our curriculum, we need to make sure that we have covered everything.
That is where you come in. Please take a few minutes to answer this super-short survey – there's really only one thing we want to ask you. 
What are your top two questions about working with relational trauma that you absolutely need to have answered in our upcoming relational skills trauma training course?
Thanks so much in advance!
Thank you for the work you do and the difference you make in the world. 
Albert Wong

Quick announcement – and a favor


We are very close to finishing up our long-awaited Relational Skills Trauma Certificate Program training.
We have been working on this for many months but are finally wrapping it up – and we will be releasing it soon.
This course is entirely focused on Healing Relational Trauma and the "Relational Skills" of Trauma Therapy. It will include an eleven-person faculty, three months of course content, thoughtfully constructed experiential exercises, and a vibrant community of students on a learning journey together.
It's going to be a complete training grounded in modern science but inspired by ancient wisdom.
We are going to cover all the skills that people need as they begin to work with relational trauma, and we're going to guide you in how to increase your trauma healing repertoire.
However, we need your help. Before we finalize everything and lock down our curriculum, we need to make sure that we have covered everything.
That is where you come in. Please take a few minutes to answer this super-short survey – there's really only one thing we want to ask you. 
What are your top two questions about working with relational trauma that you absolutely need to have answered in our upcoming relational skills trauma training course?
Thanks so much in advance!
Thank you for the work you do and the difference you make in the world.
Albert Wong