What is Authentic Movement?
Feb 28, 2023
"The body is not and never will be a machine, no matter how much we treat it as such, and therefore body movement is not and never will be mechanical – it is always and forever expressive, simply because it is human.”
-- Mary Starks Whitehouse
Authentic Movement is a form of expressive therapy that was developed in the early 1970s by American dancer and psychologist Mary Starks Whitehouse. It is a therapeutic process that uses the body as a tool for self-exploration, healing, and transformation.
The process of Authentic Movement begins with a mover who closes their eyes and moves spontaneously for a set period of time, while being watched by a witness. The witness offers non-verbal feedback to the mover through their own movement, mirroring back what they see. This exchange continues until the mover feels complete.
Authentic Movement can be a deeply therapeutic and healing experience for participants. It can help people to connect with their bodies and emotions in a safe and supportive environment. It can also be used to explore past trauma and wounded parts of the self. When used in a therapeutic context, Authentic Movement can help people to heal old wounds, develop greater self-awareness, and deepen their sense of connection with others.
The Origins of Authentic Movement
Authentic Movement was developed in the early 1970s by American dancer and psychologist Mary Starks Whitehouse. Whitehouse was inspired by her own experience of moving spontaneously and being witnessed by another person. She began to experiment with this process in her own life and with her clients, and she quickly realized that it had great potential as a therapeutic tool.
Whitehouse formalized the process of Authentic Movement into a set of guidelines and principles. She believed that the process could be used as a way to access the subconscious mind, heal old wounds, and promote personal growth and transformation. Authentic Movement quickly gained popularity within the fields of dance, psychology, and therapy, and it is now practiced all over the world.
Photo credit: Ahmad Odeh @Unsplash
How Does Authentic Movement Work?
The process of Authentic Movement begins with a mover who closes their eyes and moves spontaneously for a set period of time, while being watched by a witness. The witness offers non-verbal feedback to the mover through their own movement, mirroring back what they see. This exchange continues until the mover feels complete.
During an Authentic Movement session, both the mover and witness are encouraged to move without judgment or expectations. They are simply asked to be present with whatever arises in the moment. This allows for a deep level of self-exploration and discovery to take place.
Authentic Movement can be done individually or in groups. It can also be done with different types of partners, such as family members or friends. When used in a group setting, Authentic Movement can be an incredibly powerful way to build intimacy, trust, and connection within relationships.
The Benefits of Authentic Movement
Authentic Movement can be a deeply therapeutic and healing experience for participants. It can help people to connect with their bodies and emotions in a safe and supportive environment. It can also be used to explore past trauma and wounded parts of the self. When used in a therapeutic context, Authentic Movement can help people to heal old wounds, develop greater self-awareness, and deepen their sense of connection with others.
If you are interested in exploring Authentic Movement further, there are many resources available online or through your local community center or dance studio. Expressing yourself through movement can be an incredibly liberating experience, so don't hesitate to give it a try!
Photo credit: Ahmad Odeh @Unsplash
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