The Paradox of Trauma
Aug 05, 2023
"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars." - Kahlil Gibran
The power of trauma is hiding in plain sight. Beneath the brokenness and suffering, there lies a secret strength - an extraordinary ability for adaptation, empathy, and perspective. For those who survive trauma, this strength can be a kind of superpower.
We tend to focus on the damage from traumatic experiences. We catalogue the ways in which survivors are emotionally and psychologically scarred, how they struggle to feel normal again. But what if we have the story wrong? What if the most important thing about trauma isn't what's been taken away, but rather what's been endowed - a gift that is so powerful yet nearly invisible?
Some years ago, I began interviewing trauma survivors and researchers who study mental health and resilience. And time and again, I noticed something peculiar: these people all seemed to have a kind of transformational wisdom, an ability to adapt to change and build deep connections that I had rarely seen in people who hadn't faced unthinkable adversity.
Traumatic experiences often psychologically break us into pieces. But the remarkable thing is what happens next. In the space where old ideas and beliefs used to reside, something else emerges - an entirely new self that is both vulnerable and formidable. This new self has a wisdom and strength that couldn't be developed any other way. In that wisdom, in that hard-won adaptability and profound capacity for empathy, lies a superpower mightier than any work of fiction.
This is the paradox of trauma: our deepest wounds can become the source of our most powerful strengths. The survivor emerges not just scarred but gifted, not just changed but transformed. Their superpower was there all along, hidden in the places inside that had to break open to make room. What didn't kill them, made them something else altogether - adaptable, compassionate, fearless. This is the secret superpower of trauma survivors.
The first superpower of trauma survivors is adaptability. When something devastating happens, we are left with no choice but to adapt. Our familiar life crumbles, and we must build a new one in its place. This is a painful trial by fire, but it teaches us that we can endure major life transitions - that we have an ability to cope with change that others may lack.
Studies show trauma survivors tend to be comfortable with uncertainty and improvisation. They can think well in a crisis and change direction easily. While others panic in the face of the unexpected, the trauma-forged adapt quickly and look for solutions. This mental flexibility is a gift that allows them to navigate life's challenges with greater ease.
Photo cerdit: Aaron Banco Tejedor @Unsplash
The second superpower is empathy. When you know deep pain and fear, you develop a kind of sixth sense for it in others. Pain binds survivors together in profound connection. This can make relationships more poignant, meaningful, and inspiring. Survivors become sponges for emotion, adept at intuiting what others need to feel heard and supported.
With empathy comes compassion - a tenderness for human frailty and suffering. This compassion allows survivors to create nurturing environments where people feel accepted as they are. It makes survivors exceptionally caring friends, parents, and partners. Though born of darkness, empathy is a light by which others find their way.
A final superpower is perspective. When you have lived through immense pain, the trivial annoyances and worries of daily life fade into insignificance. You develop a sense of balance that quells anxiety and brings calm. Unimportant things are quickly let go, while meaningful things are savored.
This hard-earned wisdom leads to an ability to maintain optimism in times of stress. By focusing on life's beauty amidst the struggles, survivors gain resilience and the capacity for joy. With a broad perspective, they can look to the horizon well beyond any present difficulties.
Trauma may break us, but in the cracks lie hidden pathways to a strength beyond reckoning. Our superpowers come to us disguised as damage, but contain a transformative magic. They grow through the all-too-human experiences of suffering and healing. Though darkness leaves its mark, the gifts it bestows are sacred and sweet.
Photo credit: Jovis Aloor @Unsplash
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